University Pontificia de Comillas in the region of Garabandal

Very close to Garabandal is the town of Comillas, on the Cantabrian coast. There was founded in principles of 1892, a Pontifical Seminary of the Jesuits, that reached in 1904, the status of Pontifical University. In 1969, the colleges moved to Madrid. In this place more than 1,400 priests were formed, mainly the Jesuits, of which 61 were martyred during the Spanish civil war. Until 1990, their classrooms formed at least 63 bishops for the whole of Spain.
Spain has 69 dioceses which are currently regulated by 78 titular bishops, auxiliaries and cardinals, so it can be said that more than 20% of the Spanish bishops left this University in the second half of the twentieth century. In the last solemn message of Garabandal, Our Lady spoke about the priests. In fact, the whole message of Garabandal is centered on the Eucharist and the Priesthood. Therefore, the appearance of Our Lady in this region can not be considered a mere chance. If the message of Our Lady is focused on the priesthood and the Eucharist, it is quite logical that she wanted to appear in one of the most important regions of Spain at the level of religious formation. Its purpose reflects a Mother's concern for the lives of her beloved children. On several occasions, Our Lady asked in Garabandal for the sanctification of the priests, through their good example of priestly life, in this way they can save souls by directing them to God.
In short, Heaven chose the apparitions of Garabandal, a geographically distant place, difficult to access, materially poor, but within a region rich in history and events of special importance for the immediate future of Spain and the world, both from the point political as well as spiritual. After the commentaries of Paul VI, it can be said that Garabandal bears some historical resemblance to Nazareth of Galilee, hidden but located within a nation chosen by God at a key moment in the history of mankind.