Fr. Laffineur

Father Laffineur was born in 1897 in Walcourt, Belgium. He was ordained a priest in 1924. He later became one of those responsible for the canonical inquiry into the apparitions of Beuraing, and in 1963 became an unofficial investigator of the events in Garabandal by the Bishop of Santander, Monsignor Beitia. He became a relentless disseminator of the message in France and in the world, worked restlessly, so that the supernatural authenticity of these events could be recognized by the Church, gathering all the documentation on the facts occurred there.
He was the founder of the "information center on Garabandal" in May 1966; to the cause of Our Lady of the Carmel of Garabandal offered him every moment of his life; did his duty with the heroism of a true soldier who was: "I will beat to the end." He died on November 28, 1970.
In July 1965, Conchita transmitted to her in a letter the words Our Lady addressed to this Dominican priest, "It says ... to Father Laffineur de France that my son chose him to spread the message that I gave to the world, so as my love to all ... I will always be with him and my Son, too "