The scapular was highlighted in Garabandal
This story took place during the wedding of the bride, Jacinta Cosío Mazon and the groom José Ramon Gonzalez Gonzalez. Obviously, this Jacinta Cosío was not the visionary girl Jacinta Gonzalez who at the time was much younger than this bride.

This event took place during the first year of the apparitions, in 1961. We do not know what the exact date was, but we do know that in Garabandal it was not customary to celebrate weddings during the summer, since the majority of people during that time were if busy with the affairs of the countryside with the aim of ensuring the survival of their families and their pets during the harsh winter months. So summer time was not a time to rest in Garabandal. For that reason, weddings would only take place after the end of the summer. If someone decided to schedule their wedding for the summer, they knew that their honeymoon would consist of getting up early and going to work in the fields.
Jacinta and José's wedding took place peacefully. As usual, some of the women in the village had prepared a meal for the wedding feast that took place in Ceferino's tavern, which belonged to the father of Mari Loli, one of Garabandal's visionaries. The tavern was located on the ground floor of the house, and the rooms were located on the first floor. Suddenly, one of the people present at the party, warns the other people about something unexpected and everyone is silent. Everyone then looks at the stairs that gave access to the first floor of this house and observe that Mari-Loli (one of the visionaries) was descending in a state of ecstasy (it means that she was seeing the vision of Our Lady).
Manolita Mazon, one of the wedding guests describes what happened:
"Loli was walking down the stairs on his back, on his knees, with his head stretched up, but it is difficult to describe what happened because if one of us tried to do the same thing she did, we certainly would have fallen and hurt him seriously. Even so, Loli came down the stairs in a harmonious way, showing no discomfort, difficulty or fatigue, her hands were close to her chest, her skirt perfectly placed, contrary to the law of gravity, since one would expect skirt had gone up, but it didn't, and her knees were modestly covered. "
His face showed the state of ecstasy in which he found himself and spoke calmly and joyfully with his Vision. In reality, anyone with the will to open their eyes would see that in any ecstasy that occurred in Garabandal, wonders and miracles always happened and defied their own natural laws.
When Mari Loli reached the bottom of the stairs, she got up easily and still looking at her Vision, she left the tavern. As soon as they left, the guests returned to the wedding celebration party. As usual, there were always outsiders in the village who wanted to see an ecstasy of the seer girls. Where did Mari Loli go? She went directly to a house (large house, la "casona"), located right in front and where the bride lived. She had grown up with her maternal grandparents. In those days, the houses in Garabandal were not closed. Loli entered that house and, without knowing the layout of the rooms in that room, went directly into Jacinta's room, opened one of the drawers of a small table and took out a scapular medal from Nossa Senhora do Carmo.
Why did Mari Loli do this? What had happened? It was in this same room that the bride Jacinta had prepared for her wedding and took the scapular medal she always had with her and replaced it with an elegant necklace. The scapular medal had thus been placed in that drawer that Mari Loli later found.
How many people, including your family, knew that Jacinta was not wearing the scapular medal? Probably neither your mother nor your grandmother knew this. And even if they did, would they know where Jacinta had placed her? Probably not. Our Lady knew and guided Mari Loli without any hesitation to the exact place where the medal was.
Loli took off the medal and with the same speed with which he entered the house, returned again to the tavern. She went to the bride, always looking up at her Vision. Guided among the guests present, she places herself in front of Jacinta and with a movement, she places the scapular medal on Jacinta's neck and at the same time says in her ear:
"Our Lady told me not to take it out again."
We assume that Jacinta never took off the scapular again.
In order to understand this gesture, it will be important to remember the promises that Our Lady made to all those who use the scapular.
By using the scapular, we are consecrating ourselves to Mary Most Holy. With this gesture, we are putting ourselves under his protective cloak. She doesn't want any of her little children to be alone and that's why she wants to protect all those who devote themselves to her. She knows well what our weaknesses are and that is why she does not want us out of her protection because she knows that we must always be on full alert against the enemy.
Translated by the apostolate of Garabandal in Portuguese, September 22, 2016
Source: Garabandal Jornal, April 2016 edition